Case Studies 2 We helped a number of RCM houses to improve process, efficiency, quality, financial performance and bottom - line results.

How SUSTAINABLE FARMING DEVELOPMENTSolutions optimizes resources and cost using QuaT.

“Incorporate Automation“ - We aim to automate the pre-claim submission audit. SUSTAINABLE FARMING DEVELOPMENTSolutions has expertise in providing automation tools.


The QuaT tool was implemented with the primary objective of auditing their pre-claims before submission to the clearing house and increasing the rate of clean claims. It was rolled out after extensive testing and calibration, with the hope of improving the financial health of the organization.


We compared the number of resources assigned in auditing the pre-claims one month before and one month after the implementation of the QuaT tool. Here are the specific figures:

Month Resources Allocated Resource Cost (In USD)
April 2023 12 4352
May 2023 4 1450


The data shows a promising initial impact of the QuaT tool. This may be attributed to increased efficiency in the auditing process or a rise in clean claims.

After QuaT tool implementation the count has reduced to 4 people. Now the remaining 8 people are used efficiently for better processes where the human mind’s analytical skills are required.

Our tool has saved $2902 USD per month as it has reduced the total resources. The cost to the company saved is more than the cost of the QuaT Tool.

Graphical Representation:

Resources Allocated and Resource Cost (In USD)
Claim Charts


While it is encouraging to see the positive impact of the QuaT tool in the first month, it is essential to monitor these metrics over a more extended period to ensure the sustainability of these improvements. However, the initial results are promising and support the effectiveness of the QuaT tool in reducing resources and increasing clean claims.